What are the different types of Visitor visas for Australia?


What are the different types of Visitor visas for Australia?


Visiting Australia? You may be in luck. The Australian government has a variety of visas available to visitors from all over the world. These types of visitor visas include the Tourist Visitor Stream and the Sponsored Family Visitors Stream, as well as a special category for business travelers called Approved Destination Status (ADS). Let's take a look at these different types of visitor visas and see how they work!

Tourist Visitor Stream

The Tourist Visitor Stream is for people who plan to visit Australia for no more than 48 hours and will return to their country of origin before the end of their visa period.

The requirements are:

  • You must be able to provide evidence that you have enough money to support yourself during your stay in Australia. This can include proof of employment or bank statements showing sufficient funds.

  • You cannot hold any other type of visa at the same time (except for student visas). For this reason, if your previous visa was canceled because it had expired or was not used properly then you don't need a new one now - simply leave it until after you arrive in Australia and start working there!

Sponsored Family Visitors Stream

If you are a family member of an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen and meet the income requirements, you may be eligible to apply for a sponsored family visitor visa.

To qualify for this stream:

  • The sponsor must have adequate accommodation available or be able to provide appropriate temporary accommodation at no cost to the applicant (if it was not provided by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection).

  • The sponsor must furnish proof that they meet the immigration law requirements for eligibility (e.g., being an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen).

Business Visitor Stream

The Business Visitor stream is for people who are visiting Australia for business purposes only. You must have a business purpose to visit Australia, such as attending a conference, meeting, or training session. You must also be sponsored by an Australian organization and your travel and accommodation arrangements have been made before you arrive in Australia.

If you intend to stay longer than 90 days, then you need to apply for a different visa type (see below).

Approved Destination Status (ADS) Stream

The Approved Destination Status (ADS) Stream allows people to come to Australia who has been invited by an approved organization, such as a university or employer.

To be eligible for this visa, you must:

  • Be invited to the country by an organization that has been approved by the Department of Home Affairs (DHA). This means that your visit will be sponsored and managed by DHA on your behalf.

  • Attend a specific event or conference in Australia.

This explains the different types of visitor visas available to people visiting Australia.

Visitor visas are available to people visiting Australia. They're not the same as tourist visas, which allow you to travel around Australia for up to three months at a time. Visitor visas allow you to visit any country that Australia has diplomatic ties with (including New Zealand and Fiji).

Visitors can apply for visitor visas by themselves or through the Department of Home Affairs. If you're applying for your first Australian visa and don't have any family members living here, it's best to apply online using our online service - this saves time and money!


In conclusion, we hope this article has helped you to understand the different types of visitor visas that are available to people visiting Australia. You might be thinking about moving here and want to know what kind of visa will suit your needs. If so, please get in touch with us today! We’d love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have about getting into Australia on either a tourist or business visa.


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