Does technology make students smarter?


Does technology make students smarter?


In many ways, yes. Technology has enabled a new breed of students who are able to acquire information and ideas at an unprecedented speed. This, in turn, enables them to be much more productive in their learning. Students no longer need to spend hours and hours on their textbooks or other readings — they can access any and all that they need from the comfort of their homes. But does this mean that students today are necessarily smarter than those in previous centuries? Students are required to use technology in their daily lives, but does this make them smarter? The answer is a resounding no. It's easy to think that when you're sitting at a computer or on your smartphone you're the smartest kid on campus. Actually, we know that this simply isn't true. Computers and smartphones aren't making us smarter - they're making us lazy!

It depends on the student's level of intelligence.

Technology has become a central part of the student's life. The question is whether it makes students smarter or not.

It depends on the student's level of intelligence, but not everyone is the same. Many students who are not very intelligent use technology to cheat on tests and get better grades than they deserve.

Some students who are very intelligent use technology to help them study for tests and make sure they understand what they are reading.

The main difference between these two groups is that one group uses technology as a crutch, while the other uses it as an aid to learning.

It depends on the kind of technology and how it is used.

It depends on the kind of technology and how it is used. If you are using technology to enhance your learning and not just to get it done faster, then yes, it can make you smarter.

It is true that many students use technology in their daily lives and they don’t even realize how smart they are because they were raised by parents who taught them how to use computers, tablets, and other gadgets. But people who have been raised without any exposure to technology at all can also be very smart.

The best example I can give you is my grandmother who lived in the rural areas of India until she was about five years old when she came to live with us in America for about six years. She had never seen an electric light bulb or heard a telephone ringing before we moved here. When she first saw an electric light, she cried because she thought it was going to burn her house down! We had to explain to her that these things were not dangerous at all; they just made things look better when they were switched on!

Sometimes technology can help make students smarter.

Sometimes technology can help make students smarter.

When I was in school, I learned to use a computer because my teacher said it would help me learn better. At first, I was skeptical, but it's true. I used the computer for homework and for my reports, and it made all the difference in the world.

I also learned how to use a word processor (word processing), how to use a spreadsheet (spreadsheet), and how to use email (email). I learned about web browsers and search engines and how to write HTML code so that pages looked good on screen and in print. These are just some of the things that a computer enables people to do without having to spend hours studying for classes or sitting at desks in rows with other students.

In addition to these benefits of using technology, there are also some drawbacks when using technology in schools:

Students who are not comfortable with computers may struggle with them;

Too much time spent on technology can distract students from their studies;

The Internet is a big distraction during study times; and

Sometimes technology can make students less smart.

Technology can make students less smart.

Students are often told that technology will improve their learning and they should embrace it, but that's not always true. Often, technology harms student learning. Here are three reasons why:

1. Technology distracts students from what they're supposed to be doing

2. Technology requires students to use skills they don't really have yet

3. Technology requires students to look at the same things over and over again

Modern students are more adept with technology than older students and teachers.

Modern students are more adept with technology than older students and teachers.

The internet is a powerful learning tool that allows students to research topics, solve problems and collaborate with peers. However, the internet has also created a culture of instant gratification that may not be suitable for some students.

According to experts, there are three ways to improve student learning:

1. Create an environment where they can ask questions openly. Students need to feel comfortable asking questions in order to learn effectively. This can be achieved by providing feedback on their work and giving them opportunities to learn from each other.

2. Leverage technology to enhance student engagement and motivation in the classroom. Technology should not replace traditional teaching methods such as lectures, seminars, or discussions but rather be used as an additional resource for teaching purposes such as homework assignments or group work assignments that require collaboration between students from different backgrounds (such as geography or politics).

3. Provide appropriate support for at-risk learners through individualized learning plans (ILPs) tailored towards their specific needs based on assessment results (grades).

Some students feel more comfortable expressing their ideas online than in person.

Some students feel more comfortable expressing their ideas online than in person. They believe a microphone will allow them to express themselves without fear of being judged or ridiculed.

Others are just looking for a forum to vent anger and frustration about their workloads or the school's curriculum.

Regardless of the reason, technology has changed the way students interact with their professors, peers, and classmates. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have become integral parts of many people's lives, while other students use smartphones and tablets to take notes during lectures or participate in group conversations.

In some cases, these new communication tools have been used to increase student engagement by communicating via text message on smartphones during class time or using apps that allow students to upload assignments before they're due so they can collaborate with classmates on projects during lunchtime or after-school hours.

Technology allows for cheating and plagiarism.

Technology allows for cheating and plagiarism. As a result, educators and policymakers have increased their efforts to curb the use of technology in classrooms.

Some schools have banned mobile phones and laptops in order to prevent students from using them during class. Others have banned the use of computers altogether. And still, others place restrictions on when students can access their devices.

Technology has its benefits. It can help students learn new skills, keep up with assignments and stay engaged with learning material. However, it also makes cheating easier than ever before.


One of the main purposes, especially in recent years, is to improve upon the skills and abilities that people already have. For example, music and drawing programs help you be better at those things, not learn something new like how to program a cell phone or fix a car. Overall, I think technology is a positive thing for students because it can help them achieve their goals. Plus, it's fun!


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